Раскройте скобки 1.we ( to check) our dictations before the teacher (to take) them. 2.peter said he always (to want) to go to china. 3.laura (to be) glad that her parents (to phone) her. 4.i (to tell) rick that i (to give) all the discs to my brothers. 5.antony (to see) claire yesterday.he (not to see) her in years . 6.hardly terry (to open) the door, when his dog (to run) into the house. 7.when they (to see) road accident,they ( to call) the police.

glebKoz glebKoz    2   28.09.2019 01:30    35

AHOHUM3321 AHOHUM3321  08.10.2020 23:42
1. had checked; took
2. wanted
3. was; had phoned
4. told; had given
5. saw;
6. was opening; ran
7. saw; called
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