3 Word formation
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Basil tells Lord Henry of his feelings for Dorian. The artist is (0) .desperetely… serious whilst his friend remains his (1) … … , cynical self. Both characters introduce themes that are developed in the story. Lord Henry is a symbol of the hedonistic and (2) … ridiculing the Victorian virtues of work and morals, generally associated with the middle classes. Truth is regarded as an (3) … … obstacle to pleasure. Henry freely admits to lying to his wife just as she lies to him, stating that 'in
… upper classes that enjoyed DECAY
… and awkward NECESSARY
… secrets are absolutely necessary'. MARRY
(4) … He provides us with several epigrams - short, clever and (5) … … sentences which Wilde himself was famous for - such as 'I can believe anything if it is incredible'. Against this background Basil communicates to Henry (and consequently to us as readers) the (6) … Dorian Gray has created. The relationship between the artist and the sitter is not one of equal feelings and it represents a series of (7) … adores Dorian and has to see him every day, as he is absolutely necessary also for his art. Dorian, however, is at best charming but at times enjoys hurting the artist. The (8) … … … that Basil feels for the 'young Adonis' is a disturbing (9) … … of terror and sorrow. He is aware of gaining something from the relationship but also of (10) … … something. Dorian is also a symbol of beauty but, according to Basil, 'the ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world'.
… disturbance EMOTION
… : Basil OPPOSE

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