№ 2. Завершите предложения развёрнутой фразой. Используйте текст «State System of Russia» как опору. Запишите и переведите получившиеся предложения. Текст «State System of Russia» письменно переводить не надо.

Предложения: 1) The Russian Federation is a … 2) On the federal level there are three branches of power: … 3) The president of Russia is the guarantor of … 4) The president is elected … 5) Not any person may be elected president of Russia but only a citizen of … 6) The legislative power in the Russian Federation is exercised by … 7) The main job of the deputies is … 8) The executive power in the RF is administered by … 9) The judicial power of Russia is presented by the … 10) The president of the RF as a head of the state …

Sasha200420071982197 Sasha200420071982197    1   03.04.2020 01:03    1

IvanNesterenok IvanNesterenok  12.10.2020 13:27

Russian Federation is a country in Eurasia. President this country - Vladimir Putin. He is FSBshnik. Думаю нормальный конец.


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