13. поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, present simple или present continuous. it ) very coid today and it 2) (snow). it aiways 3) (snow) here in december. peter 4) (swim) in the sea now. he 5) ) fish and he 6) ) cold weather. peter's friend 7) ) him. peter always 8) (bring) his friend a fish. his friend 9) (wait) for his fish. peter 10) (not/cook) his fish, he 11) (eat) it in the sea. this 12) (not/be) strange because peter is a penguin!

Azimhan2017 Azimhan2017    1   12.09.2019 20:50    3

Милаха7884433 Милаха7884433  07.10.2020 10:25
1 is 2snows 3 snowing 4swims 5 likes
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