1 you / read / in your free time I read magazines.
2 you / study / English
Because I want to pass my exams.
3 you and your friends / play / sport
We play sport on Friday afternoons.
4 you / do / at the weekend
We go shopping at the weekend.
5 your best friend / meet / you
He meets me in the park.
6 go to the cinema / with
I go to the cinema with my best friend.
хелп побыстрее надо получу ответ до 18:00(сейчас 14:14),от несколько в уроках русеш)​

МияV МияV    3   22.09.2020 06:05    3

mishka1330 mishka1330  22.09.2020 07:01

1. What do you read in your free time?

2.Why do you study English?

3.When do you and your friends play sports?

4.What do you do at the weekend?

5.Where do your best friends meet you?

6.With who do you to the cinema?

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык