1. “(you ever be) to the USA?” “Yes, I (go) there last summer.” “How long (you stay)?” “A month.” “(you like) it?” 2. It (just, stop) raining.
3. “(you take) the dog out yet?” “Yes, I (take) him out when I (come) home.”
4. “Have you got Henry’s new address?” “(he change) his address? I (not know). I (send) a letter to him at the old address last week”.
5. I’m not very well. I (eat and drink) too much.
6. “My son (not start) work yet, he is still at University.” “How long (he be) at University?” “He (be) there three years. Before that he (spend) five years at the High School in Park street.
7. “(you ever be) to Disneyland ?” “Yes, I (go) there last year, when I (spend) a week in Paris with my children. It (be) fantastic.”
8. “(the kids have) fun at the fair?” “Oh, yes! They (enjoy) themselves a lot and they (not want) to come back home”.
9. “I can’t drive. I (lose) my glasses. (you see) them anywhere?” “No, sorry. Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre.”
10. “I (just make) some tea. Would you like some?” “No, thanks. I (have) two cups an hour ago and I (just have) a coffee with Tim.”
11. “(Tom pass) his driving test?” “ Yes, but he (not receive) his driving license yet. He (drive) my car twice. He’s a good driver.”
12. “(Joan call yet) ?” “Yes, she (ring) three times this morning and she (already ring) twice this afternoon.” “I’m sorry I (not be) here when she (call). (she leave) a message?” “Yes, she (say) that she couldn’t come to the party tonight.” “Oh, what a pity! I wanted to see her very much, I (not see) her for the last two months.
13. “Where (you be) ?” “I (be) to the cinema with Joe.” “What (you see) ?” “Murder in Crete. (you see) it?” “No, I (never hear) of it. (you like) it?”

14. “This book sounds interesting. Who (write) it ?” “A new novelist. It already (sell) 300,000 copies.” “Can I borrow it?” “It’s not mine. It’s Jennifer’s.” “(she read) it?” “ I think so”
15. Who (take) my notebook? I (leave) it on this shelf when I (go) out.
16. “What time (you wake) up this morning?” “At five, and then I (go) for a walk in the woods.” “ I (never wake) up so early in my life.”
17. “How long is it since you last (see) Julia?” “Well, as a matter of fact I (meet) her yesterday. She (be) in London for a week.
18. “Hallo Susan. You look very well. What (happen) ?” “I (have) wonderful news. I (win) a moped !
19. When I (come) to this house, it (be) a very quiet neighborhood but since then a new housing estate (be) built and it (become) very noisy.
20. Nick (go) cycling two hours ago and he (not come) back yet.

lyudmila198604p06n4e lyudmila198604p06n4e    1   04.02.2021 21:28    372

костров1 костров1  18.01.2024 15:01
1. "Have you ever been to the USA?" -"Yes, I went there last summer." -"How long did you stay?" -"A month." -"Did you like it?"
Explanation: The first person is asking if the other person has ever visited the USA. The second person responds that they went there last summer. The third person then asks how long they stayed, and the second person says they stayed for a month. Finally, the third person asks if they liked it.
Step-by-step: "Have you ever been to the USA?" - "Yes, I went there last summer." - "How long did you stay?" - "A month." - "Did you like it?"

2. "It has just stopped raining."
Explanation: The speaker is saying that the rain has only just stopped.
Step-by-step: "It has just stopped raining."

3. "Have you taken the dog out yet?" - "Yes, I took him out when I came home."
Explanation: The first person is asking if the second person has taken the dog out. The second person responds that they took the dog out when they came home.
Step-by-step: "Have you taken the dog out yet?" - "Yes, I took him out when I came home."

4. "Have you got Henry's new address?" - "Has he changed his address? I don't know. I sent a letter to him at the old address last week."
Explanation: The first person is asking if the second person has Henry's new address. The second person responds that they don't know if Henry has changed his address. They mention that they sent a letter to him at the old address last week.
Step-by-step: "Have you got Henry's new address?" - "Has he changed his address? I don't know. I sent a letter to him at the old address last week."

5. "I'm not very well. I have eaten and drunk too much."
Explanation: The speaker is saying that they are not feeling well because they have eaten and drunk too much.
Step-by-step: "I'm not very well. I have eaten and drunk too much."

6. "My son has not started work yet, he is still at University." - "How long has he been at University?" - "He has been there three years. Before that, he spent five years at the High School in Park street."
Explanation: The first person is saying that their son has not started work yet because he is still at University. The second person asks how long he has been at University. The first person responds that he has been there for three years and before that, he spent five years at the High School in Park street.
Step-by-step: "My son has not started work yet, he is still at University." - "How long has he been at University?" - "He has been there three years. Before that, he spent five years at the High School in Park street."

7. "Have you ever been to Disneyland?" - "Yes, I went there last year when I spent a week in Paris with my children. It was fantastic."
Explanation: The first person is asking if the second person has ever been to Disneyland. The second person responds that they went there last year when they spent a week in Paris with their children. They also mention that it was fantastic.
Step-by-step: "Have you ever been to Disneyland?" - "Yes, I went there last year when I spent a week in Paris with my children. It was fantastic."

8. "Did the kids have fun at the fair?" - "Oh, yes! They enjoyed themselves a lot and they didn't want to come back home."
Explanation: The first person is asking if the kids had fun at the fair. The second person responds that they enjoyed themselves a lot and didn't want to come back home.
Step-by-step: "Did the kids have fun at the fair?" - "Oh, yes! They enjoyed themselves a lot and they didn't want to come back home."

9. "I can't drive. I have lost my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere?" - "No, sorry. Perhaps you left them at the theater."
Explanation: The first person is saying that they can't drive because they have lost their glasses. They then ask if the second person has seen them anywhere. The second person responds that they haven't seen them and suggests that they may have left them at the theater.
Step-by-step: "I can't drive. I have lost my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere?" - "No, sorry. Perhaps you left them at the theater."

10. "I have just made some tea. Would you like some?" - "No, thanks. I had two cups an hour ago and I have just had a coffee with Tim."
Explanation: The first person is offering some tea that they just made. The second person declines, saying they already had two cups of tea an hour ago and have just had a coffee with Tim.
Step-by-step: "I have just made some tea. Would you like some?" - "No, thanks. I had two cups an hour ago and I have just had a coffee with Tim."

11. "Did Tom pass his driving test?" - "Yes, but he hasn't received his driving license yet. He has driven my car twice. He's a good driver."
Explanation: The first person is asking if Tom passed his driving test. The second person responds that he did, but he hasn't received his driving license yet. They also mention that he has driven their car twice and is a good driver.
Step-by-step: "Did Tom pass his driving test?" - "Yes, but he hasn't received his driving license yet. He has driven my car twice. He's a good driver."

12. "Has Joan called yet?" - "Yes, she rang three times this morning and she has already rung twice this afternoon." - "I'm sorry I haven't been here when she called. Did she leave a message?" - "Yes, she said that she couldn't come to the party tonight." - "Oh, what a pity! I wanted to see her very much. I haven't seen her for the last two months."
Explanation: The first person is asking if Joan has called. The second person responds that she rang three times in the morning and has already rung twice in the afternoon. The first person then apologizes for not being there when she called and asks if she left a message. The second person confirms that she did and says that she couldn't come to the party tonight. The first person expresses disappointment because they wanted to see her and haven't seen her for the last two months.
Step-by-step: "Has Joan called yet?" - "Yes, she rang three times this morning and she has already rung twice this afternoon." - "I'm sorry I haven't been here when she called. Did she leave a message?" - "Yes, she said that she couldn't come to the party tonight." - "Oh, what a pity! I wanted to see her very much. I haven't seen her for the last two months."

13. "Where have you been?" - "I have been to the cinema with Joe." - "What did you see?" - "Murder in Crete. Have you seen it?" - "No, I have never heard of it. Did you like it?"
Explanation: The first person asks where the second person has been. The second person responds that they have been to the cinema with Joe. The first person then asks what they saw. The second person says they saw Murder in Crete and asks if the first person has seen it. The first person responds that they have never heard of it and asks if the second person liked it.
Step-by-step: "Where have you been?" - "I have been to the cinema with Joe." - "What did you see?" - "Murder in Crete. Have you seen it?" - "No, I have never heard of it. Did you like it?"

14. "This book sounds interesting. Who wrote it?" - "A new novelist. It has already sold 300,000 copies." - "Can I borrow it?" - "It's not mine. It's Jennifer's." - "Has she read it?" - "I think so."
Explanation: The first person says that the book sounds interesting and asks who wrote it. The second person responds that a new novelist wrote it and it has already sold 300,000 copies. The first person then asks if they can borrow it, and the second person says it's not theirs, it belongs to Jennifer. The first person then asks if Jennifer has read it, and the second person says they think so.
Step-by-step: "This book sounds interesting. Who wrote it?" - "A new novelist. It has already sold 300,000 copies." - "Can I borrow it?" - "It's not mine. It's Jennifer's." - "Has she read it?" - "I think so."

15. "Who took my notebook? I left it on this shelf when I went out."
Explanation: The speaker is asking who took their notebook because they left it on the shelf when they went out.
Step-by-step: "Who took my notebook? I left it on this shelf when I went out."

16. "What time did you wake up this morning?" - "At five, and then I went for a walk in the woods." - "I have never woken up so early in my life."
Explanation: The first person asks what time the second person woke up this morning. The second person responds that they woke up at five and went for a walk in the woods. The first person then says that they have never woken up so early in their life.
Step-by-step: "What time did you wake up this morning?" - "At five, and then I went for a walk in the woods." - "I have never woken up so early in my life."

17. "How long is it since you last saw Julia?" - "Well, as a matter of fact, I met her yesterday. She has been in London for a week."
Explanation: The first person asks how long it has been since the second person last saw Julia. The second person responds that they met her yesterday and she has been in London for a week.
Step-by-step: "How long is it since you last saw Julia?" - "Well, as a matter of fact, I met her yesterday. She has been in London for a week."

18. "Hello Susan. You look very well. What has happened?" - "I have wonderful news. I won a moped!"
Explanation: The first person greets Susan and comments that she looks well. They then ask what has happened. Susan responds that she has wonderful news - she won a moped.
Step-by-step: "Hello Susan. You look very well. What has happened?" - "I have wonderful news. I won a moped!"

19. "When I came to this house, it was a very quiet neighborhood but since then a new housing estate has been built and it has become very noisy."
Explanation: The speaker is saying that when they came to the house, the neighborhood was quiet. However, since then, a new housing estate has been built and it has become noisy.
Step-by-step: "When I came to this house, it was a very quiet neighborhood but since then a new housing estate has been built and it has become very noisy."

20. "Nick went cycling two hours ago and he hasn't come back yet."
Explanation: The speaker is saying that Nick went cycling two hours ago and he hasn't returned yet.
Step-by-step: "Nick went cycling two hours ago and he hasn't come back yet."
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