1.what do you think of spiders and insects? 2.what do you think is unpleasant? 3.is it ridiculous to be scared of flying? 4.are you scared of anything that isn't real? what?

Tasha00000007 Tasha00000007    3   12.03.2019 08:05    5

bratan02 bratan02  24.05.2020 23:56
1) I think spiders and insects are very interesting. You don't have to be afraid of them if you know they're not safe for you. 2) Most worryingly when they crawl on you. Even if you know they're not dangerous.
3) be afraid to fly it's okay because we are every day in several kilometers from earth. 4) I was afraid of ghosts, but Temer is no longer afraid because I've never seen them.
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