1. выберите предложение, неверно оформленное грамматически. does your brother speak english? kelly get up at 7 p.m. henry never goes shopping alone 2. заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов. образец 1: john music now. (listen to) john is listening to music now. образец 2: i lectures at the moment. (not have) i am not having lectures at the moment. my friends with me at the moment. (not stay) 3. выберите предложение, выражающее действие, происходящее в данный момент речи. paul and his parents like watching films at home. they are getting to the railway station. we don't have lectures on saturdays. 4. дайте ответы на вопросы, используя сокращенные отрицательные формы. образец: do you like watching cartoons? – yes, i do. does kate study at the university? – no, she doesn't. does your brother study much? – yes, does your sister work at the university? – no, 5. замените глаголы в скобках эквивалентами. we (ходим) to the university every day except sunday. (go) my sister (не работает) here. (work) who (взял) my telephone? (take)

суперМозг777 суперМозг777    3   03.09.2019 19:20    12

MaliikaZ MaliikaZ  06.10.2020 15:29
1Kelly GETS up at 7 p.m.
2My friends are not staying with me at the moment.
3They are getting to the railway station.
4Yes, he does.
No, she doesn't.
5We go to the university every day except Sunday.
My sister doesn't work here.
Who took my telephone?
Audika Audika  06.10.2020 15:29
1) Kelly get up at 7 p.m. правильно будет Kelly gets up at 7 p.m.
2) My friends aren't stay with me at the moment.
3) They are getting to the railway station.
4) Does your brother study much? – Yes, he does.
Does your sister work at the university? – No, she doesn't.

We go to the university every day except Sunday. (Present Simple)
My sister doesn't work here. (вс глагол Do)
Who took my telephone? (Past Simple)
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