1.ты считаешь что учеба в школе важна для твоего будущего и почему? 2. какие проблемы возникают между родителями и детьми? 3. что мы можем сделать чтобы избежать ссор в наших семьях? написать письмо на языке(задали по 11 класс) 213 ! (

5Kamilla505 5Kamilla505    2   30.06.2019 08:30    0

Крутой649 Крутой649  23.07.2020 23:18
well firstly, you are the future citizen of our country...and of course society it is important that citizens were more educated secondly, successful learning ensures that you'll be a good specialist in the future. And now with good staff great deficit.
saya8282 saya8282  23.07.2020 23:18
well firstly, you are the future citizen of our country...and of course society it is important that citizens were more educated secondly, successful learning ensures that you'll be a good specialist in the future. And now with good staff great deficit.
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