1.The amount of money you get paid every year to do a job is called your S 2 Ana a... fis something you fill in when you apply for a job.

3 If a company pays your ethe play for taxis, meals, travel, etc.

4 When you write a letter to apply i for a job, you apply i W

5 A person applying for a job is called an a

6 Work which you do for a charity and which you don't get paid for is called v W

7 The sare all the people who work for a company.

druwban druwban    3   02.12.2021 18:11    50

Dan2707 Dan2707  22.12.2023 03:41
1. The amount of money paid to an individual for their work on a yearly basis is referred to as their salary. When you have a job, you receive a specific amount of money as payment for your work each year. This salary can vary depending on the type of job, your experience, and the company you work for. It is important to negotiate and discuss your salary with your employer to ensure fair compensation for your work.

2. An application form is something you fill in when you are applying for a job. When you are interested in working for a company, they usually require you to complete an application form. This form typically includes personal information, contact details, education history, work experience, and references. It helps the employer learn more about you and determine if you are a good fit for the position.

3. If a company pays for your expenses, it means that they cover the costs of things like taxi fares, meals, travel, and other related expenses. Some companies have policies in place to reimburse employees for these expenses, while others may provide funds upfront for business-related trips. It is important to keep track of your expenses and submit the necessary receipts or documentation to your employer for reimbursement.

4. When you write a letter to apply for a job, it is called a cover letter. A cover letter accompanies your resume or CV (curriculum vitae) and provides an introduction to your skills, qualifications, and interest in the job. It allows you to explain why you are suitable for the position and highlights any relevant experiences or accomplishments. A well-written cover letter can greatly enhance your chances of getting an interview and ultimately landing the job.

5. A person applying for a job is called an applicant. When you are interested in working for a company, you become an applicant by submitting your application materials (such as a resume, cover letter, and application form) to the company. This is the first step in the hiring process, and it allows employers to evaluate your qualifications and decide if you should be considered for the position.

6. Work done for a charity or organization without receiving payment is called volunteer work. Sometimes people choose to dedicate their time and skills to help others or support a cause they believe in. They contribute their efforts willingly and selflessly, often because they have a passion for the cause or want to make a positive impact in their community. Volunteer work can be very rewarding and provides valuable experiences and opportunities to develop skills.

7. The staff are all the people who work for a company. This includes employees at all levels, from entry-level positions to high-level executives. The staff members are the backbone of the company and collaborate to achieve the company's goals and objectives. They perform various roles and responsibilities within the organization, contributing to its overall success. Each staff member plays a vital role in the company's operations, and their collective efforts help the company thrive and grow.
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