1. put the verbs in the correct form using active or passive 1. bread (eat) every day. 2. i (give) a very interesting book last friday. 3. many houses (build) in our town every day. 4.i (ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.i often (send) letters to my friends. 6. we (remember)about you every day. 7.st.peterburg (found) in 1703. 2. choose the right form of the verb 1. about 50 people—- to the party yesterday. a) were invited b) invited c) was invited d) are invited 2. he — his father to tidy the garage. a)was helped b) has been helped c) helped d) is helped 3.the famous actress—- now for the «hello» magazine. a) is interviewed b) interviews s) was interviewed d) is being interviewed 3.change the sentences into passive voice 1 .the girl decorated the room. 2. i write letters every day. 3. i have already returned the book to the library. 4. the nuts ate yesterday. 4. translate into english 1.кошке молоко каждый день. 2.когда разбили чашку? 3. окно не было открыто перед уроком. 4. меня показали докторую

рахима5Е рахима5Е    3   18.07.2019 22:50    3

ноген1 ноген1  22.09.2020 07:54
1. is eaten
2, gave
3. are built
4. was asked
5 send
6. remember
7. was founded

2-1 were invited d)
2- helped c)
3. is being interviewed d)

3.1 The room was decorated by the girl.
2. Letters are written every day.
3. The book had been returned to the library.
4. The nuts were eaten yesterday,

4.1 The cat is given milk every day.
When the cup was broken?
3. The window wasn't opened before the lesson.
4I was shown to a doctor
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