Fill in the blanks with can (could) or may (might): 1. … i come in? 2. let me look at your exercises. i … be able to help you. 3. libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes … get books there. 4. i … finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me anymore. 5. only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a question. 6. i … not imagine her speaking in public: i knew that she was so shy. 7. something was wrong with the car: he … not start it. 8. she asked me if she … use my telephone.

ПётрФ ПётрФ    2   25.06.2019 22:40    2

hickov2003 hickov2003  20.07.2020 22:17
1. May… I come in? 2. Let me look at your exercises. I might… be able to help you. 3. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes can… get books there. 4. I …can finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me anymore. 5. Only a person who knows the language very well …could answer such a question. 6. I …could not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy. 7. Something was wrong with the car: he could  not start it. 8. She asked me if she might… use my telephone.
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