1. PDAs also let you the Internet via wireless technology, without cables.

a) to access

b) access

c) accessing

2. My boss made me late.

a) working

b) work

c) to work

3. They have their car every Sunday.

a) washed

b) to wash

c) wash

4. Graphics: Allows you illustrations and graphs in a document.

a) including

b) include

c) to include

5. We advised a short holiday.

a) to have

b) them to have

c) having

6. They warned me anyone.

a) not to tell

b) don’t tell

c) not tell

7. I made my dog down.

a) sitting

b) to sit

c) sit

8. Some systems the Web or chat using your voice instead of the keyboard.

a) let search

b) let you search

c) let you to search

9. I want you my laptop.

a) to fix

b) fixing

c) fix

10. I've invited your parents us.

a) to visit

b) visiting

c) visit

11. Tomorrow I'm going to have my tooth

a) fill

b) filled

c) to fill

12. I watched him the lawn for a while, and then I fell asleep.

a) cutting

b) cut

c) to cut

13. I watched him the lawn and then he started washing the car.

a) to cut

b) cut

c) cutting

14. A mouse is a hand-held device that a pointer (or cursor) and select items on the screen.

a) lets you move

b) let you move

c) lets you to move

15. Mary reminded Jake her books.

a) returning

b) return

c) to return

16. Merge: Allows you text from one file into another file.

a) to merge

b) merge

c) merging

17. They noticed 37 percent of workers by the sheer number of emails and the obligation to respond to them quickly.

a) to feel stressed

b) feel stressed

c) feeling stressed

18. Some programs the illustrations within the word processor

a) let you create

b) allows you create

c) let you to create

19. My boss asked me late last weekend.

a) work

b) to work

c) working

20. Sound card enables the computer sound to audio devices.

a) output

b) outputting

c) to output

21. She expected us.

a) apologize

b) apologizing

c) to apologize

22. They wouldn’t him go out with his friends.

a) allow

b) forbid

c) let

23. Laura me set up the new computer.

a) assisted

b) helped

c) taught

24. Their parents make them home on weekdays.

a) staying

b) to stay

c) stay

25. They wouldn’tus to go into the building.

a) allow

b) let

c) make

26. What you change your mind?

a) caused

b) forced

c) made

27. The factory its workers to eat in the canteen only.

a) lets

b) makes

c) allows

28. Bad health him to leave his job.

a) forced

b) let

c) made

29. I couldn’t her biting her nails.

a) stop

b) make

c) let

30. I was shocked to see her through my bag.

a) to go

b) go

c) going

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