1. Откройте скобки, употребляя глагол в страдательном залоге.

1. Many places (see) by the tourists yesterday.

2. A composition (write) now by me.

3. The car just (steal) by the criminal.

4. The dictionaries (use) by the students from 3 till 6 yesterday.

5. The homework (do) by the students every day.

6. He (take) to the hospital yesterday.

7. New houses (build) at the moment.

8. The text just (translate).

9. The English classes (take) by the students every Wednesday.

10.We (pass) the exam by Monday last week.

11. The truth (tell) yesterday at 5 o’clock.

12. The books often (read) by the children.

13. He (invite ) to the party last week.

14. The questions (answer) tomorrow.

15. The text just (translate) by the students.

2. Откройте скобки, употребляя форму герундия или инфинитива.

1. I started (read) a very interesting book.

2. The students were let (take) the exams in May.

3. Everyone may (come) to my party.

4. English is worth(learn).

5. It is important (give) the books back to the library.

6. We plan ( go )to the sea.

7. Do you agree(study) French?

8. I would like(have) a break.

9. (Smoke) is very dangerous.

10. Are you fit enough( take) part in the competition?

11. My friends object to (spend) the weekend in the forest.

12. My mother usually makes me (do) my homework.

13. She hates(watch) soap operas.

14. John refused (take) the exam.

15. I don’t mind (visit) my granny every Sunday.

16. (Run) is very useful for the health.

17. Did he decide( study) French?

18. It is interesting (speak) with the foreigners.

19. It is no use ( tell) him what to do.

20. My granny could (speak) many languages.

21. I was let (take) a day off.

22. The student stopped (read) the report.

23. Who deserved (win)?

24. My uncle gave up (smoke).

25. The teacher made me(pass) the exam once again.

26. I enjoy (meet) new people.

27. Would you like (eat)?

28. We saw Jenny (swim) in the river.

29. I avoid (speak) with rude people.

30. We want ( study) well.

31. I hate (cook).

32. Do you promise (come) on time?

33. We may (pass) the exams well.

34. He denied (steal) money.

35. I was made (do) the report.

36. She apologized for (be) late.

37. I am against (go) to that awful place.

38. She is the person (trust).

39. You had better (read) the books.

40. I prefer (watch) TV.

41. My sister can’t stand (rain).

42. We were glad (meet) him.

43. I am busy (clean) my room.

44. Do you want (visit) America?

45. Let me (think)!

3. Откройте скобки, используя нужную форму условного предложения.

1.Sue didn’t go to the party last Saturday because she wasn’t invited .

She (go) if she (invite).

2.There have been some burglaries in our district lately. I want to give everybody a piece of advice. They should lock the doors.

If people (lock) the doors, the burglars (not/ break) into the houses so often .

3.It is cold outside.

If I (be) in your shoes, I (put)on something warm.

4.Tom, get off the tree!

If you (not/ listen)to me, you (fall).

5.– I have lost my keys.

If you (put) them in the pocket, you (not/ lose) them.

6.-Is it possible that Emily has changed her mind to go to the picnic?

-If she ( change) her mind, she (call) me.

7. –I don’t like Tom Cruise.

- If you (like) Tom Cruise, you (like) the films with him too.

8. I bought a lottery and won a great sum of money.

If I (not/ buy) the lottery, I never (win) that money.

9. I woke up 5 minutes ago. My mother forgot to wake me up.

If she (not/ forget) to wake me up, I (be) at work.

10. It is raining and Jenny has got soaked through.

If she( take) an umbrella, she (be) soaked through.

11. I don’t know anybody at the party. I will not go there.

If I (know) someone, I (go).

12. We didn’t book a table , that’s why we are waiting .

If we (book) a table , we (not/ wait).

13. My brother often watches horror films.

If he (not/ watch), he (not/ have) nightmares.

14. My grandmother died 2 years ago. She used to give me wise pieces of advice.

If she still (be) alive, she (give) me advice now.

15. Glen needs somebody’s help because he is repairing his car..

If his friends ( be) here, they (can) help him.

16. When we were climbing the mountain the storm began. We should have listened to the weather forecast.

If we (listen) to the weather forecast, we (change ) the plans.

17. Kate lost her job, that ‘s why she is unemployed.

She (not/ be ) unemployed , if she (not/ lose) her job.

18. Jim was in the garden and didn’t hear the door bell. The friends waited for some time and left.

He (hear) the door bell, if he (not/ work) in the garden.

19. – I’ve lost my map. Could you show me the way?

If I (not/ lose) my map, I (not/ ask) for your help.

20. Mr Green argued with the boss and was fired.

He (not/ fire) if he (not/ argue) with the boss.

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