1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form. Write the whole sentences.

1. You (play) tennis every Sunday? – Yes, …
2. Children (to do) their homework now.
3. Nick (not to sing) songs at 6 o’clock yesterday.
4. Last week we (not to visit) our granny in the country.
5. I (to go) to the cinema every weekend.
6. My sister (not to watch) TV always.
7. Bob (not to dance) at the moment.
8. Your friends (to travel) last summer? – No, …
9. Tom and Ann (to walk) from 7 till 9 yesterday.
10. Look! Birds (to fly)? - No, …
11. In 2008 our family (to buy) a new house.
12. Teachers (to work) at school for 8 hours yesterday? - Yes, …

Margosha100000000000 Margosha100000000000    2   29.04.2020 12:20    0

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