1) is it difficult to live without music 2) do you like to listen to music 3) are there any music lessons at your school 4) what do music teachers tell pupils 5) who is interested in music 6) what is music 7) where do you go if you want to listen to classical music 8) modern music is popular in our country isn't it 9)what kinds of music are popular in our country 10)what kind of music do you like на один вопрос нужно составить одно предложение !

Sunrise01 Sunrise01    3   10.07.2019 09:40    1

DrBeat DrBeat  17.09.2020 11:47
1) It's rather controvertial question. All people are different: some can not imagine their life without a music beat and other can easily live in a complete silence. 
2) Yes, I do.
3) Yes, we have a music lesson at school.
4) Music teachers tell pupils everything about music. 
5) Every peson is interescted in music somehow.
6) Music is an art form, social activity or cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence.
7) I do to the concert hall.
8) Yes, it's obviously is. 
9) There is no genre that is an obvious favorite. Tastes deffer.
10) I like to listen to (вставь жанр музыки)
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