1. George and Carol are friends. They are having lunch.

a. they b. theirs c. them d. their

2. You be careful when you cross the street!’

a. can b. may c. must d. can’t

3. Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood were our neighbours. They had two

a. child b. children c. childs

4. She has blond long wavy hair and blue eyes. She is very…”.

a. attract b. attractive c. attraction

5… English are fond of all kinds of racing.

a. an b. - c. the

6. . …. is impossible without love

a. happy b. happiness c. unhappy

7. The city is richer… cinemas, theatres, museums

a. of b. in c. for

8. Choose the right variant of the question to the sentence.

I had no classes on Friday.

a) Have you got any classes today? b) Did you have any classes on Friday?

c) Do you have any classes tomorrow?

9. Carlos couldn’t blow them out on the …. try and his friends were delighted to help him.

a. one b. ones c. first

10. Would you like __ porridge?

a) a b) some c) any

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в необходимой видовременной форме:

1. She already (buy) a special souvenir for her parents

2. Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad (decide ) that we should all go on a camping trip.

3. It often (rain) in autumn in Russia.

4. The sun ( not/ rise) in the west.

5. Jane let’s go to the Zoo. - I can’t. I ( write) an essay.

топ2006 топ2006    3   20.05.2020 14:58    1

алма15 алма15  15.10.2020 02:36

1. d










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