1. fill in the blanks with the following words. listen, switch off, torchy early, favourite, childhood, listening, picture in my mind, sensational, switch on, hate my music is rock. i enjoy to it. when i listen to it i picture in my mind my . my favourite group is "led zeppelin". the group plays ^id music. the best song. to my mmd, is "the stairway to heaven". the music i is pop. the radio when i hear this music.

ХПолинаХ ХПолинаХ    1   21.06.2019 10:50    6

saya8282 saya8282  16.07.2020 23:45
Вставляешь в пропуски:
1) favourite
2) сhildhood
3) sensational
4) torchy early
4) hate
5) switch off
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