1. Everybody knows that she … along really well with her colleagues. a) does getting b) get c) getting d) gets
2. I can hear the piano in Phil’s room. … he … there?
a) Does, playing b) Is, play c) Is, playing d) Does, play
3. Bill and Tom … quite often. They both have an ill temper.
a) quarrel b) are quarreling c) quarreling d) quarrels
4. We … to the amusement park tomorrow at 3.
a) go b) goes c) going d) are going
5.… the students of this class … tests every week?
a) Do, write b) Does, write c) Are, writing d) Are, write
6. Lynn … the rule completely now.
a) is understanding b) has been understanding c) understands d) understanding
7. … their wedding anniversary next year?
a) do they celebrate b) they celebrate c) celebrating they d) are they going to celebrate
8. Daniel believes that computers … printed books in the future.
a) are going to replace b) will replace c) are replacing d) replace
9. … Paul … to Thailand in three days?
a) does, fly b) does, flying c) is, fly d) is, flying
10. ... they … money to help the homeless last month?
a) -, raise b) Are, raise c) Do, raised d) Did, raise
11. When Jack … home his mother … lunch.
a) comes, was cooking b) coming, cooking c) came, cooking d) came, was cooking
12. The Great Patriotic War … in 1945.
a) has finished b) finishes c) finished d) was finishing
13. Arnold … a surgeon when he was 28.
a) was becoming b) becomes c) has become d) became
14. Bob … when Celia … at him.
a) was smiling, looked b) smiled, looking c) smiling, was looking d) smiling, looked
15. Who … the contest 4 years ago?
a) has won b) did won c) did win d) won
16. … Phil … his room yesterday evening when you came home?
a) Did, do b) Was, do c) Was, doing d) Did, doing
17. When … they … the project to provide environmental protection for the community?
a) did, begin b) was, begin c) were, begin d) did, began
18. … there … impressive monuments in that area when you were there?
a) Were, be b) Were, - c) Did, be d) Was, -
19. … you … this picture yesterday afternoon?
a) Was, paint b) Were, painting c) Were, - d) Did, painting
20. He … to go on a trip to Ireland last Tuesday.
a) deciding b) has deciding c) was decided d) decided
21. I … on my task while Tony … .
a) were focusing, were resting b) focusing, resting c) focused, rest d) was focusing, was resting
22. Rob and Greg … to me when you … .
a) talked, was phoning b) were talking, phoned c) talked, phoning d) was talking, were phoning
23. While Chris … the wardrobe, we … the furniture in the living room.
a) was repairing, were dusting b) repaired, was dusting c) was repairing, dusting d) were repairing, were dusting
24. Tom … all evening yesterday.
a) is sunbathing b) sunbathes c) was sunbathing d) sunbathe
25. The acrobats … when you … .
a) are performing, did arrive b) were performing, arrived c) was performing, arrived d) performed, arriving

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