1. Complete the gaps with the verbs in the Present Continuous. (нaпишите только глаголы в правильной форме)

not carry


not download

not give




1) The farmer is watering the vegetables.

2) Aijamal for a sweater in the clothes shop.

3) Those men heavy boxes.

4) I a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk for breakfast.

5) The shop assistant a jar of honey to the customer.

6) Kubat a song from the Internet.

7) We our hands to answer our teacher's question.

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.(написать только глаголы в одном из двух времен)

1) My father is planting some trees in the garden at the moment.

2) She (clean) the windows once a month.

3) We (visit) our grandparents every weekend.

4) Look! The children (water) the flowers.

5) He usually (go) to the gym on Mondays and Fridays.

6) Listen! Someone (come) here.

7) Today the sun (shine) brightly.

8) Kamilla always (drink) water before having a meal.

3.Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. (написать только глаголы в правильном


1) Mirbek never has (have) lunch at home.

2) My parents (think) that I watch television too much..

3) We (learn) English at the moment.

4) She (not know) what to do.

5) Look out the window. it (rain) now?

6) you (want) a sandwich?

7) I'm going to the market. you (need) anything?

8) She (not eat) meat. She's a vegetarian.

4. Match the words with the definitions. (напишите только подходящее слово к определениям, сами предложения НЕ писать. Нумеруйте a, b, c,)

beach holiday



horse-back riding

package holiday



shopping tour


a) A holiday organized by a travel company that includes the cost of your hotel and transport, and sometimes meals and entertainment. - package holiday

b) A holiday you spend in a tent.

c) You do this when you want to buy a lot of new things.

d) A journey, especially to Africa, in order to watch, take pictures or hunt wild animals.

e) It's a long walk in the country that you go on for pleasure.

f) You spend this holiday near the sea.

g) A holiday you spend on a ship

h) You do this when you want to see interesting buildings and places.

i) It's an activity holiday that you spend riding a horse.

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