1.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) If Peter (have) more money, he (buy) a newcar.

2) What (you do) if you (see) an accident?

3) Where (you live) if you (have) a choice?

4) If Caroline (arrive) late for a meeting, her boss (be) angry.

5) If his parents (come) to visit him, John (bring) them to the theatre.

6) Where (you go) ifyou (can take) a week's holiday?

7) If Julie (speak) better English, she (find) a betterjob.

8) If Paul's boss (invite) him to lunch, he (accept).

9) If I (lose) my wallet, I (report) it to the police.

10) What (happen) if you (miss) your flight?

2. Complete each of the sentences below with the correct form of the adjective.

1.Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old.

Jeremy is (old) Jenny.

2. The Alps are very high. They are (high) mountains in Europe.

3. An ocean is very large. It is (large) a sea.

4. A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less.

A Rolls Royce is (expensive) a Twingo.

5. John's results were bad. Fred's were very poor.

Fred's results were (bad) John's.

6. This exercise is not very difficult. It's I expected.

7. The weather is not good today. It's raining

I hope the weather will be (good) next week.

8. People are not very friendly in big cities.

They are usually (friendly) in small towns.

9. In a republic, the President is (important) person.

10. People say that Chinese is (difficult) to learn than English.

Maks2222222222 Maks2222222222    1   06.04.2020 14:59    64

aedilsultanova aedilsultanova  20.01.2024 22:11
1) If Peter had more money, he would buy a new car.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations that are unlikely or unlikely to happen in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "have" (had) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + base form" of the verb "buy" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of Peter having more money and what he would do in that case.

2) What would you do if you saw an accident?

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "see" (saw) in the if-clause and the base form of the verb "do" in the result clause. This sentence asks about the hypothetical situation of witnessing an accident and what the person would do in that situation.

3) Where would you live if you had a choice?

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "live" (would live) in the if-clause and the base form of the verb "have" (had) in the result clause. This sentence asks about the hypothetical situation of having a choice in where to live and where the person would choose to live.

4) If Caroline arrived late for a meeting, her boss would be angry.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "arrive" (arrived) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + be" of the verb "be" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of Caroline being late for a meeting and how her boss would react to it.

5) If his parents came to visit him, John would bring them to the theatre.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "come" (came) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + bring" of the verb "bring" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of John's parents visiting him and what he would do in that case.

6) Where would you go if you could take a week's holiday?

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "go" (would go) in the if-clause and the base form of the verb "take" (could take) in the result clause. This sentence asks about the hypothetical situation of having the opportunity to take a week's holiday and where the person would choose to go.

7) If Julie spoke better English, she would find a better job.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "speak" (spoke) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + find" of the verb "find" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of Julie speaking better English and how it would affect her job prospects.

8) If Paul's boss invited him to lunch, he would accept.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "invite" (invited) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + accept" of the verb "accept" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of Paul's boss inviting him to lunch and how Paul would respond to the invitation.

9) If I lost my wallet, I would report it to the police.

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "lose" (lost) in the if-clause and the conditional form "would + report" of the verb "report" in the result clause. This sentence expresses the hypothetical situation of losing a wallet and what the person would do in that case.

10) What would happen if you missed your flight?

Explanation: We use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future. In this case, we use the past simple form of the verb "miss" (missed) in the if-clause and the base form of the verb "happen" (would happen) in the result clause. This sentence asks about the hypothetical situation of missing a flight and what would occur as a result.

1) Jeremy is older than Jenny.

Explanation: Comparing ages, we use the comparative form of the adjective "old" (older).

2) The Alps are higher than any other mountains in Europe.

Explanation: Comparing the height of mountains, we use the comparative form of the adjective "high" (higher).

3) An ocean is larger than a sea.

Explanation: Comparing the size of bodies of water, we use the comparative form of the adjective "large" (larger).

4) A Rolls Royce is more expensive than a Twingo.

Explanation: Comparing the costs of cars, we use the comparative form of the adjective "expensive" (more expensive).

5) Fred's results were worse than John's.

Explanation: Comparing the quality of results, we use the comparative form of the adjective "bad" (worse).

6) This exercise is easier than I expected.

Explanation: Comparing the difficulty of the exercise to the expectation, we use the comparative form of the adjective "difficult" (easier).

7) I hope the weather will be better next week.

Explanation: Comparing the current weather to the desired weather, we use the comparative form of the adjective "good" (better).

8) People are usually friendlier in small towns.

Explanation: Comparing the friendliness of people in different locations, we use the comparative form of the adjective "friendly" (friendlier).

9) In a republic, the President is the most important person.

Explanation: Comparing the importance of individuals in a republic, we use the superlative form of the adjective "important" (most important).

10) People say that Chinese is more difficult to learn than English.

Explanation: Comparing the difficulty of learning different languages, we use the comparative form of the adjective "difficult" (more difficult).
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