Завершите предложения используя правильные формы глаголов.
1 it s the second time john (to drive) such a wonderful day.
2 when (to give) the pen back to friden?
3 mr. black (to choose) a present for his wife just now.
4 emenies (to destroy) the city many years ago.
5 bob never (laughed) at her pupils in her whole life.
6 it (to get) dark about three hours ago. it s time to go to home.
7 the other day we suddenly (to find) the museum we wanted to visit.

Диана15688 Диана15688    1   09.12.2019 23:33    1

maitrewiva maitrewiva  10.10.2020 19:41

1. John drives

2.when will give(?)

3.mr.Black is choosing

4.Emines destroyed

5. Bob never laugheds

6. it was get (mb got)

7.we suddenly are finding

jasmin20052 jasmin20052  10.10.2020 19:41

1.drives 2.will you give 3.is choosing 4.destroyed 5.has never laughed 6.got 7.found

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