№ 1. Complete the following sentence.
What ... you want to tell me? About my job.
а) was б) were в) did

№ 2. Choose the proper form of the verb:
I … so hurt when he said I was boring. г) is
а) was б) were в) has

№ 3. Choose the proper form of the adjective:
Your class is … than my class. г) is
а) noisy б) noisiest в) noisier

№ 4. Fill in the proper article:
Mother gave me ... good advice concerning my plans for ... future. г) more noisy
а) а, − б) −, − в) the, the г) an, the

№ 5. Fill in the proper preposition:
Do sit down. Mr. Brown will join you … a moment.
а) on б) for

№ 6. Fill in the proper preposition:
You can rely … him to be polite. в) at г) in
а) at б) in

№ 7. Fill in the proper preposition:
I know many symphonies … Chaikovsky. в) to г) on
а) with б) for

№ 8. Fill in the proper preposition:
I actually dreamt … it. в) by г) from
а) about б) at

№ 9. Choose the proper form of the verb:
My mother … to somebody when I came in. в) in г) from
а) were talking б) was talking

№ 10. Choose a noun. в) was talk г) talks
а) ordinary б) occupation
в) ourselves г) occupy

zebrakod zebrakod    2   16.05.2020 21:07    16

ShvarykValerua ShvarykValerua  14.09.2020 17:21



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