1. a major …for many old people is keeping warm in cold weather. 1. treat 2.worry 3.pick 4.layout 5.plan 2. jimmy… tennis since 10 o`clock. 1. is playing 2.has played 3.will play 4.played 5.has been playing 3. 1.vertical 2.marvelous 3.professional 4.vacant 5.vague 6.partial 7.temporary a) horizontal b)detinite c)occupied d)permanent e)amateur f)complete i)terrible 4.that dress is …expensive and she will have to work a month do pay for it. 1.too 2.most 3.more 4.such 5.as 5.we have got much time.we …hurry. 1.needn`t 2.don`t need 3.must 4.can`t 5.mustn`t

gerty1000 gerty1000    2   24.09.2019 09:20    0

сана24 сана24  08.10.2020 14:44
1. 2. worry
2. 5. has been playing
3. 1. Vertical a) Horizontal
2. Marvelous i) terrible
3. Professional e) amateur
4. Vacant c) occupied
5. Vague b) detinite
6. Partial f) complete
7.Temporary d) permanent
4.1. too
5. 1. needn`t
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