1. Some ehildren think a lot about their healh, Others don't. 1) Whose opinion does the picture Illustrate? (listening for the main ldea) 2) What do Bob, David and Steven think about health and doctor? Вob: I think you shoould consult a doctor when you have a problem, because yoи may have a dangerous illness. The doctor knows what to advise and you must do what he or she says or yуou won't get better. When I don't feel well, mу parents always call the pediatri- cian. He comes and says what to do. David: I think if you do exercises, eat healthy food like pоrridge, pavnd fruit, you wil be healthy without doctors. The doctor will say that you must stay in bed and take some medicine even if you have a headache. I don't like doctors and I have never had a med- ical check. steven: As for me, I think you should visit a doc- tor sometimes. If it is an accident (if you've bro- ken your leg), you should dial 999.* When you have a headache, you can drink some tea. You should do eх

polinas6661 polinas6661    1   01.02.2021 13:29    47

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