Переведите , только не в the pig pigs are very honest. they are also very kind, understanding and very often peace-makers. pigs are sociable; they like talking and are often very popular. they still find time to be very hard-working, and they are always first to help other people out. the rat rats are very charming and they love going to parties! they are very popular and make friends very easily. they also have lots of ideas and they always know how to get out of a difficult situation. the ox the ox takes any responsibilities very seriously. they make very good leaders and they are hard workers. oxen make decisions easily and really trust their friends. but they also like to be quiet and often try to keep their thoughts to themselves if they can. the tiger the main characteristic of tigers is their incredible courage. they are very strong-willed and determined and whatever they do, they do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. they have lots of ideas and they always love experiments. the rabbit the rabbit likes a quiet and peaceful life and dislikes any sort of disagreement. they enjoy life, work hard and very seldom take any risks. the dragon the dragon is the luckiest sign of the chinese horoscope. they are very confident, intelligent and take advantage of any opportunities that come along. but dragons can be very quick to criticise others, so try not to have any sort of disagreement with a dragon. the snake snakes are born under the sign of wisdom. their minds are active and they are always planning things, or thinking deeply about how to make the most out of life. snakes are often very good with money and spend it wisely. the horse horses are charming, popular animals that like going to parties (probably with rats). they like to be the centre of attention and enjoy bossing people about. they also have a fiery temper and are not very good at keeping secrets. the goat you enjoy beautiful things in life, but you're not fussy about the way you live. people born under this sign like to be very relaxed and do not like strict rules and timetables. they prefer to work in a team and like leaving any decision-making to other people. the monkey those born in the year of the monkey are very imaginative. just like the real animals, monkeys want to know about everything that's going on around them. they also like being helpful and ready to offer advice to their friends and family. the rooster the rooster has a bright and lively personality. they are intelligent; enjoy reading, talking and telling jokes. they are also very organised. so they often like to plan whatever they are doing weeks and weeks in advance. the dog just like our four-legged friends, dogs are very loyal. they have firm views on things and they are interested in green issues. they hate unfair treatment of anyone and they are always ready to give advice.

kozlovadasa52 kozlovadasa52    3   06.07.2019 19:00    7

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