Write present perfect simple sentences.
1 we/learn/ a lot of things / in biology / this term
we've learned a lot of things in biology this term.
2 how many / text messages / you / send / today?
3 they/win/ several awards / for their
4 i/ not have / any exams/ this month
5 how many / times / she/go/ to the youth club?
6 he/help/ a lot of people / with problems​

Ayla2a011 Ayla2a011    2   17.11.2019 08:20    41

linkevich1 linkevich1  17.11.2019 10:03

1) we have learnt a lot of new words since last year.

2) mrs. oliver has been living in boston since last year.

3) john has lost his keys.

4) lately ben has not attended the class meetings regularly.

5) i have been very busy this week.

6) he has already finished his work.

7) professor higgins has never taught in this university before.

8) they have moved to new york.

9) it`s mum`s birthday tomorrow, but i have not bought her a present.

10) they are not at home now. they have gone out.

something like that   : )

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