Переведите на они любят школьные каникулы особенно летние. мой дядя инженер. он занят. его рабочий день начинается рано утром. он встаёт в 7 часов утра. он умывается, одевается и завтракает. после завтрака он идёт на работу. он работает в институте. он любит свою работу. его жена врач, она работает в больнице.

zentronys zentronys    3   24.09.2019 07:10    1

angel2261 angel2261  08.10.2020 14:23
They love school holidays. My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His working day begins early in the morning. He gets up at 7 am. He washes, dresses and has breakfast. After the breakfast he go to work. He works at the Institute. He loves his work. His wife is a doctor, she works in the hospital.
qwead23p08iwf qwead23p08iwf  08.10.2020 14:23
They love hollidays,special summer hollidays. My ankle is an ingineer. He is very busy . His work day begins early in the morning. He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning. He washes,dresses and breakfasts. After having a breakfast he is going to work. He works at the Institute. He loves his job. His wife is a doctor,he works in a hospital.
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