8. Посмотри на таблицу и напиши, что каждый человек делал и чего он не делал вчера.
Clean the house Water the flowers Watch TV Listen to the radio
Elena + +
Jack + +
Mr & Mrs Hill + +
Carmen + +
Elena cleaned the house and watered the flowers yesterday. She didn't watch TV or listen to the radio.
Jack watched TV and listened to the radio yesterday. He didn't clean the house or water the flowers.
Mr and Mrs Hill cleaned the house and watched TV yesterday. They didn't water the flowers or listen to the radio.
Carmen watered the flowers and watched TV yesterday. She didn't clean the house or listen to the radio.
9. Составьте по таблице из упр. 8 6 во и ответьте на них (по 2 во о Jack, Mr & Mrs Hill и Carmen).
Образец с заданием 9,задание 8 прикрепила так как надо смотреть на него и делать 9 упражнение

aram0071 aram0071    3   08.04.2020 15:20    3

sweta210 sweta210  12.10.2020 22:53

1) Did Jack watch TV yesterday? Yes, he did.

Did he clean the house yesterday? No, he didn't.

2) Did Mr and Mrs Hill water the flowers yesterday? No, they didn't.

Did they cleaned the house yesterday? Yes, they did.

3) Did Carmen water the flowers yesterday? Yes, she did.

Did she listen to the radio yesterday? No, she didn't.

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