Of Janya Dress ma
Mantua-maker, in the eighteenth century
a maker of mantuas, or in general a
Modiste, a maker of fashionable clothing
and accessories, with the implication that
the articles made reflect the
current Paris fashions.
Fabrician, a person who is considered an
expert in making modifications and
alterations to fabrics and other articles of
Sewing professional is the most general
term for those who make their living by
sewing, teaching, writing about sewing, or
retailing sewing supplies. A sewing
professional may work out of the home, a
studio, or retail shop, and may work part-
time or full-time. This work may include
any or all of the following sub-specialities: перевод​

arhived1 arhived1    3   18.01.2021 11:41    0

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