Key words: straight line, equation of the line, equations of a line passing
through two given points, equation of a line in the intercept form, equation in the
slope-intercept form, point-slope equation of the line, angle between two lines.
1. find the equation of the line passing through point a (1; 2) and at an angle
30° to the axis ox. convert this equation into the general equation of a line.
2. the sides of the triangle abc are given by the equations: ab: x+4y-5=0,
bc: 3x+5y-8=0, ac: 3x-6=0. determine the coordinates of its vertices a,
b and c.
3. given two straights 2x+3y-7=0 and 4x-y-5=0. find the angle between two
4. determine the dihedral angles formed by the intersection of these planes
x + 2y + 2z - 3 = 0 and 16x +12y - 152 - 1 = 0.​

Dаniеll Dаniеll    2   14.10.2019 12:08    0

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