During his second week on the job, Jason earned $110. This represented a 25% increase over his earnings of the previous week. How much did he earn during his first week of work?

sanjabr82oymx7f sanjabr82oymx7f    2   19.09.2021 13:38    0

dosmailovadlet dosmailovadlet  19.09.2021 13:40

ответ:   за  І тиждень Джейсон заробив  $ 88 .

Пошаговое объяснение:

$ 110    -   125 %

$ x       -   100% ;     складаємо пропорцію : 110/х = 125/100 ;

                                      х = ( 110 * 100 )/125 = 11 000/125 = $ 88 .

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