A Complete the dialogue with the Present Continuous. Sally: Hi, Janet. What (1) you(do)?
Janet: 1 (2)
(write) an e-mail to Karen.
We had an argument two weeks ago, and now she
(not talk) to me. I was jealous of her
new clothes and I said some really nasty things to her!
Sally: That wasn't very kind.
Janet: I know. She's really angry with me and I feel miserable.
Sally: Don't worry. She'll forgive you.
Janet: I want to say I'm sorry, but she (4)
(ignore) me. She (5)
(make) lots of new
friends and I'm all alone. I hope she trusts me again soon and
wants to be friends. Friendship is very important.​

ilyxa24 ilyxa24    3   08.01.2021 07:39    0

geo2015brosto geo2015brosto  08.01.2021 07:40

1) Are (you) doing

2) (I) am writing

3) is not talking

4) is ignoring

5) is making


Просто строим Present Continuous

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