Task1. Read the short texts about fantasy creatures. There are lots of stories about fantasy animals. Sometimes the animals were strong and killed people; sometimes they were signs of good luck. Here is some information about six famous fantasy animals.
Unicorns were beautiful creatures like horses. They had a long pointed horn in the middle of their foreheads. The horn was magical. If a unicorn put its horn in dirty water, the water became clean. Unicorns were a sign of good luck, but only honest people could see them.
Centaurs were wild creatures. They were half-man, half-horse. They lived a long time ago in Greece. Most centaurs were soldiers but one centaur was different. His name was Chiron. He was a famous teacher. When he died he changed into a star called Sagittarius.
The Minotaur was a very scary creature. It had a bull’s head and a man’s body. It lived in a labyrinth on an island called Crete. If anybody went into the labyrinth, they got lost and could never get out again. Every year, people from the island of Minos sent 7 boys and girls into the labyrinth. The Minotaur ate them.
One year, a brave man called Theseus killed the Minotaur. He took a ball of string from a princess and used it to go in and out of the labyrinth.
Chinese dragons were good, friendly and intelligent. They were made from the parts of nine animals: a snake’s body, a fish’s scales, a clam’s stomach, a tiger’s feet, an eagle’s claws, a camel’s face, a deer’s antlers, a cow’s ears and golden eyes.
Griffins were very strong creatures. They had a lion’s body and an eagle’s head and wings. They could fly. They were the kings of all the animals and birds. They lived in the mountains. Their nests were made of gold. They didn’t lay eggs, they laid sapphires.

Task1. Read the short texts about fantasy creatures. There are lots of stories about fantasy animals

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