Робототехнология туралы қимыл-сын бағыныңқылы сабақтас құрмалас сөйлем құраймыз. ​

Lorosa Lorosa    3   15.04.2021 06:43    1

kalymkulovramaz kalymkulovramaz  15.04.2021 06:50

4. How did a community chief help Stafford and Cho?

a. He showed them where to go.

b. He agreed to stop the attacks if they left.

c. He explained to isolated communities that they weren't a threat.

d. He paid the native people so that they wouldn't harm them.

5. What was the main reason that made Stafford go on this expedition?

a. He wanted to be the first to walk the Amazon.

b. He wanted to save the rainforest from destruction.

c. People believed he couldn't do it.

d. He needed to prove something to himself.

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