Эссе жазыңыз: Дәрігерлер, медбикелер мен мұғалімдер қоғамға үлкен үлес қосады және оларға ойын-сауық пен спорттық атақты адамдардан гөрі көп ақша төленуі керек. Сіз келісесіз бе, келіспейсіз бе?

vikimeis2006 vikimeis2006    3   18.05.2020 10:39    20

kabaramba kabaramba  14.10.2020 22:04

тақырып: Doctors, nurses and teachers make a big contribution to society and should be paid more than entertainment and sports titles.

Doctors, nurses and teachers make a big contribution to society and should be paid more than entertainment and sports titles. I do not agree with this opinion. Because not all doctors work for a salary. But there are also people who are interested in this job for a salary. All doctors receive high salaries. But it is a mistake to think that they are not entertaining. 78% of doctors support a healthy lifestyle. Now how do they start sports? Doctors are important to us. They may one day save your life. So respect this very important profession.

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