1. When she (ring) the office this morning, Jim already (go out). 2.
By the time we (arrive), the party
(finish).N3. They (lock) the gates
before I (get) there. 4. 1 (ring)
the shop to return the book as
soon as I (check) its contents. 5.
After we (discuss) the problem
on the phone I (write) him a letter
about it. 6. He (promise) to do
the job in an hour, but he still
(not finish) it by ten o'clock. 7. Before we (take) Tim to the theatre, he (never
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the
Past Perfect tense form.
see) a stage play before. 8. 1 (just clean the carpet when the dog (come
in, (shake) himself and the dirt from the dog (fall) off on the carpet. So,
(become) dirty again.
Syam SLID​

bezimeni3 bezimeni3    3   18.11.2020 22:29    4

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