1. Present Simple шақтағы дұрыс сөйлемді көрсет A) I like to travel
B) I tried to read that book
C) I wrote a lot of poems
D) I will dream about that
E) I couldn’t open this door.

2. Present Simple шақтағы дұрыс сұраулы сөйлемді көрсет
A) Does your mother cook every day?
B) Do your mother cook every day?
C) Do I wash the dishes yesterday?
D) Does I wash the dishes every day?
E) Does your mother washes the dishes every day?

3. Present Simple шақтағы дұрыс болымсыз сөйлемді көрсет
A) Peter doesn’t play the guitar
B) Peter don’t play the guitar
C) Peter didn’t play the guitar
D) Peter not played the guitar
E) Peter played the guitar

4. Past Simple шақтағы сөйлемді көрсет
A) My brother went to the theater yesterday
B) My brother goes to theater yesterday
C) My brother go to the theater yesterday
D) My brother likes to go to the theater
E) My brother like to go to the theater

5. Past Simple шақтағы сұраулы сөйлемнің дұрыс нұсқасын көрсет
A) Did they build that wooden house?
B) Did they built that wooden house?
C) Does they build that wooden house?
D) Do they build that wooden house?
E) Did they building that wooden house?

6. Past Simple шақтағы болымсыз сөйлемнің дұрыс нұсқасын көрсет
А) I watched an amazing movie last week.
В) I did not see a play yesterday.
С) He washed her car.
А) I finished work, walked on the beach and found a nice place to swim.
Е) Did you add eggs to this mix?

7.Leave етістігінің өткен шақтағы формасын белгілеңіз.
А) Left
В) Leaved
С) Lefted
D) Had left
Е) Leaving
8. Present Continuous шағындағы сөйлемді көрсет
A) We’re cleaning the house.
B) We cleaning the house
C) We are clean the house
D) We are cleaned the house
E) We are clean the house

фелицист фелицист    1   28.01.2021 12:39    3

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