Виконати практичну роботу на тему: Середньовічні школи та університети. Життя середньовічного студента

diaabd150ozrpt6 diaabd150ozrpt6    1   05.04.2020 17:56    3

Sonya20071451 Sonya20071451  05.04.2020 18:30

ответ:The blonde resorts to the doctor: B: - Doctor, help! I was bitten by a bumblebee! D: - Nothing, now we will smear with ointment ... B: - But how do you catch him? The bumblebee has probably already flown far! D: “No, I’ll smear the place where he bit you.” B: - Ahhh. It was in the park, on a bench under a tree. D: - Here is an idiot! I will anoint you that part of the body where the bumblebee bit you, and everything will pass. B: - Well, they would say so, doctor! A bumblebee bit me on the finger. God, how painful it is! D (punches himself on the forehead): - Which one ?! B: (innocently): - How do I know? For me, all bumblebees are the same ...


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