2 variant
I. Choose the answer het
7. That's not ... Shakhnoza Komilova
varverly completes the sentence. I went to school with.
ty the time she had finished doing A the B) C) an D) a
her honemnit dark outside. 8. Choose the correct answer.
) had been
... with some friends until I can find
D) was bemg
3. Choose the answer which
A lived
B) live
cerrectly completes the sentence. C) am living D) was living
I don't remember... any dangerous 9. Choose the best answer.
pames when I was a child
I was not satisfied with my wage last
night. I want to work there
toplay Diplaying
Ano more B) no longer
C) any more D) any longer
correctly completes the sentence. 10. Choose the answer which
Cold objects emet het objects correctly completes the sentence.
fewer in frared rays as
When she looked for the "Macintosh
as tower intrared as
HD"icon, she couldn't find it. Later,
fewer than infrared rays as
the technicians discovered that she
rower intrared rays than
had accidentally changed ... name to
* Choose the moswer which
1) their
B) its
carreetly completes the sentence.
C) her
D) hers
The interviewer asked the question.
12 times his answering
11. Choose the answer which
that he answer 12 times
correctly completes the sentence.
Chim 12 times to answer
Many careers require a college
for him answering 12 times
diploma, in some jobs previous
experience is the main requirement.
5. Choose the best answer
A) however
Do not touch anything on the table
) accordingly
until guests
C) therefore
) had come ?) have come
D) nonetheless
D) will come
12. Choose the best answer.
6. Choose the answer which
My brother ... in the army for ten
correctly completes the sentence.
years before he went to work at the
He died of a heart attack... a very factory
carly age. He was only ... his early A) had been serving
B) has been serving
) on/by
C) was serving
D) is serving
Ingliz tili 2016
13. Choose the correct answer. They heard the cars from Amste
I like a rural area and fresh air. So I coming close behind them while
am considering working ... a farm skating along full speed.
B) in C) at
A) with B) on C) in D) a
14. Choose the answer which
20. Choose the answer which
correctly completes the sentence. correctly completes the senten
The team has won the championship She promised that she .. lend m
with a seven-goal advantage
some money to buy a bike,
over its opponents. It's their best A) would B) used to
C) will D) would get used
A) forever B) ever
21. Read the text. Then choos
C) sometimes D) never
correct answer for each ques
15. Choose the answer which
below (21-24)
correctly completes the sentence. Do you ever wish that your nei
It is not so simple ... problem as it would turn down their music
Perhaps you are trying to sleer
Al- B) an C) the D) a
and you wish that the people
16. Choose the answer which
door were not holding an all-n
correctly completes the sentence. barbecue party in their garder
I never read newspapers
do you feel it is time you mov
A) So I do
an uninhabited island? Don't
B) So do 1
you are just another victim
C) Neither do I
pollution. Of course, most pe
D) Either I do
would prefer it if cats made
17. Teacher said to us: "Organize
at all, neighbors were as quis
your stories in a logical way"
mice and nobody drove abo
A) Teacher told us organize our
streets in cars with open wir
stories in a logical way.
and high-powered sound sy
B) Teacher told us organize your
You may even wish you co
stories in a logical way.
children from playing in th
C) Teacher asked us to organize our
or planes passing overhead
stories in a logical way.
the end, if I were you, I wo
D) Teacher told us to organize their
get used to it. Close the w
stories in a logical way.
buy some carplugs, laugh
18. ... Browns will not come to our
up your own stereo. Just
noise were simply not the
knows, perhaps it will go
A) The
B) - C) An D) A
According to the text,
19. Choose the answer which
disturbing people inve
correctly completes the sentence. following EXCEPT:​

karina072006 karina072006    3   20.04.2021 18:59    3

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