9 1066 Choose the correct item. 1 Vincent Van Gogh, the famous Dutch painter,
spent much/many of his life in France
2 How many/few of the actors can actually
dance, sing and act at the same time?
3 We spent a lot ofla few money on the opera
4 Very few little people realise how manymuch
inventions Thomas Edison was responsible for
5 Has anyone/no one seen my concert ticket?
I've lost it
Sve looked anywhere everywhere but I can't
find my dancing shoes​

nadiasotochka nadiasotochka    2   08.02.2021 18:39    33

lkQwertyuiop1 lkQwertyuiop1  10.03.2021 18:39


1 much

2 many

3 a lot of

4 few, much

5 anyone

6 everywhere

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