Составить блок-схему. program h7; const n=15; p=3.14; var x: array [0..n] of integer; y: array [0..n] of real; i,h,k: integer; a,s,max,min,t: real; f: text; begin randomize; k: =0; s: =0; for i: =0 to n do begin x[i]: =trunc(15*random); end; for i: = 0 to n do write(x[i]); for i: =0 to n do if (x[i]< 1) then y[i]: =0.5*(2+sqr(sin(x[i]-p/+exp(x[i]) else if(x[i]> =1) and (x[i]< =10) then y[i]: =4*exp(0.62*ln(*sqrt(2*x[i])+1 else if (x[i]> 10) then y[i]: =5*exp(-x[i])+2*sqr(ln(x[i])); for i: = 0 to n do write (y[i]: 5: 1); for i: = 0 to n do s: =s+y[i]; a: =s/i; max: =y[0]; min: =y[0]; for i: = 0 to n do; if y[i]/0.3> a then begin if y[i]> max then begin max: =y[i]; h: =i; end else if y[i]
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