$$$ 1
Computers are connected to a single hub through a cable in the topology:
A) Mesh topology B) Bus topology C) Star topology
D) Tree topology E) Hybrid F) Ring topology
$$$ 2
It is :
A) Moon topology B) Bus topology C) A circle topology
D) Mesh topology E) TREE topology F) Star topology
G) Hybrid topology
$$$ 3
Network Topology exist:
A) Moon B) Bus C) A circle D) Line
E) Ring F) Bush G) Star
$$$ 4
Computers are connected to a root node forming a hierarchy:
A) Moon B) Bus C) A circle D) Tree
E) Ring F) Bush G) Star
$$$ 5
Command to view the IP- address of your computer:
A) 2ip.ru B) ipconfig C) ip-config
D) 2ip.kz E) http // ipconfig F) ip.ru
$$$ 6
An Internet service provider is:
A) an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information
B) an organization that provides services for accessing in the Internet
C) Protocol for accessing Internet services
D) digital address of computer
E) Uniform Resource Locator
$$$ 7
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is:
A) a reference to a web resource
B) Protocol for accessing Internet services
C) an application program for look at information
D) an organization for accessing in the Internet
E) communication between computers
$$$ 8
URL consists of:
A) protocol B) IP-adress C) file name D) topology
E) domainname F) login G) password
$$$ 9
Private cloud is used:
A) at the scale of single organization B) across multiple organizations
C) at the community of consumers from organizations that solve common problems
D) across the globe E) general public
$$$ 10
Classification of computer networks by territory occupied:
A) corporate B) local C) custom D) parent
E) global F) specialized G) metropolitan
$$$ 11
The e-mail address in the Internet: [email protected] "Name" of the computer on which the mail is stored:
A) ru B) mtu-net.ru C) mtu-net D) user_name E) net.ru
$$$ 12
A computer which is connected to the Internet must have:
A) IP Address B) Web server C) Home web page
D) Domain name E) Password F) Login
$$$ 13
A computer connected to the Internet must have:
A) login B) domain name C) IP address
D) Password E) Web server
$$$ 14
E-mail address consists of:
A) Username @ Domainname B) [email protected]
C) [email protected] service D) Iinternet [email protected]
E) Iinternet [email protected] Domainname F) [email protected] Iinternet service
$$$ 15
Exist IP address:
A) continuous B) constant C) discrete D) dynamic E) static