с географией

Дам 99 очков с географией Дам 99 очков ">

ввіна ввіна    1   28.05.2020 21:24    0

Artem152006 Artem152006  14.09.2020 22:52

1 a A resource is a source or supply from which a benefit is produced and that has some utility. Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability — they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources.

b water wood

2 a 1. water wood 2. soil metal ores oil

b metal ores

РосАлик РосАлик  14.09.2020 22:52

1)a Resources are useful elements that can be found on our planet.

Я не знаю как вы сдаете работы , но если вы пишете в тетрадке и потом фотографируете, то попробуй оформить как на схеме-примере :) Удачи

b I depend on water because

people and animals can't live without water. we need water for everything plants will not grow without water life is impossible without water

I depend on oil because

the world can not develop without oil the economics can not exist without oilwe wouldn't be able to travel freely without oil oil is essential

5)I do not agree with this idea because it will not give us anything good. People should have freedom of choice. It's up to them to decide how many children they want. If only one child will be allowed to have per family, the whole human race might die out.


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