Music 1. Who is your favorite singer?
2. What can you say about his/her
3.How often do you listen to music?
4. Can you play any musical

vinogradovanactaxa vinogradovanactaxa    2   14.03.2021 21:18    0

11DarkMoon11 11DarkMoon11  13.04.2021 21:23

who is your favourite singer?

ответ: My favorite singer is Dimash Kudaibergenov

Перевод: Кто ваш любимый певец?

2) What can you say about his  biography?

ответ: He is the eldest in his family. His parents are also singers. My grandmother took me to music school for the first time. He always tried to sing better.

Перевод :Что вы можете сказать о его биографии?


How often do you listen to music?

ответ: I always listen to his music

Перевод:   Как часто вы слушаете музыку?


Can you play any musical instrument?

ответ: no I don't know how to play instruments

Перевод: Вы умеете играть на любом музыкальном инструменте?


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