Change will come if you change your diet. that's true. what does changing your diet actually mean? are you willing to give up all the junk and poison you put into your body? will you make the necessary changes in your daily routine to lose weight? changing your diet is hard. years of poor nutrition habits are what makes it so hard. that's why so many gain more weight back when they quit dieting. they revert back to their old habits and the vicious cycle starts over.

change will come if you exercise more. ok, exercising more might mean walking up a flight of stairs more than once of day. you are not going to get any results from that. i see so many in the gym day after day wasting their time with goofy exercises, and pointless cookie cutter routines they read in a magazine. the only real changes will come from understanding and applying the principles of exercise science to a well thought out and designed fitness routine.

change will come from a change in mental attitude. this, by far, is the most important of all. i stress this to my clients over and over again. i give a change in mental attitude the credit for having so much success with my clients. how you see things inside will be in direction to exactly how things are on the outside. you must have a shift in your mental state.

teylor3 teylor3    2   24.12.2019 08:01    0

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