Write the third person singular of the following verbs 1 I speak - he . 8 I teach - he 2 I carry - he . . 9 I live - he ..

denis2016sham denis2016sham    3   17.04.2019 04:00    3

UltimatumRenata UltimatumRenata  17.04.2019 04:00

Write the third person singular of the following v

  1. I speak — he speaks, — говорит
  2. I carry — he carries, — несет
  3. I go — he goes, — идет
  4. I wash — he washes, — моет
  5. I eat — he eats, — ест
  6. I play — he plays, — играет
  7. I write — he writes, — пишет
  8. I teach — he teaches, — учит
  9. I live — he lives, — живет
  10. I like — he likes, — любит
  11. I write — he writes, — пишет
  12. I sleep — he sleeps, — спит
  13. I laugh — he laughs, — смеется
  14. I hunt — he hunts. — охотится
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