Work in pairs. Look through the texts in Section 2 and complete the mind map with some examples of the work the engineering profession involves. Use your Workbook. Compare your ideas with your partner.

DANILka188 DANILka188    3   17.04.2019 04:30    4

nastyalobzova1 nastyalobzova1  17.04.2019 04:30
Engineering (инженерное дело)
Projects had been planned (Проекты планировались)
Ships had been made (Корабли строились)
Docks had been constructed (Портовые бассейны сооружались)
Steamships had been created (Параходы создавались)
Solutions to problems had been found (Решения к проблемам находились)
New ships had been developed (Новые корабли конструировались)
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