Вы разговариваете с зарубежным другом о странах и городах, в которых живёте. О чём бы вы расспросили и рассказали друг другу?

Zhenya13551 Zhenya13551    1   17.04.2019 04:20    8

364590 364590  17.04.2019 04:20
- What country are you from?
- I’m from Russia.
- What is Russia like?
- Russia is a very big and beautiful country.
There are many beautiful forests, rivers, mountains and lakes.
You can see many interesting places there.
- What city are you from?
- I live in Moscow.
- What is Moscow like?
- It is a beautiful city.
There is the Kremlin.
There are many interesting places there.
- What is your favourite place in your region?
- My favourite place is the Red Square.
- What do you like doing there?
- I like to walk there.
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