Верны ли утверждения? А) В дошкольном возрасте нарушение осанки чаще наблюдается у детей со слабым физическим развитием, больных

ТыСдохМнепох ТыСдохМнепох    2   17.04.2019 00:20    1

marsidd marsidd  30.05.2020 23:56

1.  Alice opened the door and looked through  it.

2.  The door was too  small.

3.  Why can't I become smaller?

4.  There was a little bottle  on it.

5.  She couldn't get the key from  the glass table.

6.  Alice saw a little glass box.

7.  The Rabbit had a fan in one hand.

8.  Alice wanted to ask the Rabbit for help.

9.  She became small again. 

1. What did Alice see through the door? 

2. Where did Alice go? 

3. Why  did Alice grow very big? 

4. How  did Alice open the door? 

5. Who could see flowers in the garden?

6. Where  did she fall?  

 Lewis Carrol, the  author of the book ''Alice in wonderland'' lived in England. He was a university professor of Mathematics. He had a  friend, and his friend had three daughters: Laurine , Alice and Edith. Laurine was six, Alice was four and Edith was two years old. Lewis Carrol wrote ''Alice in Wonderland'' as a  present for Alice.


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